Friday, December 28, 2012

2013 First Quarter Goals

Between teaching, building my school's S.T.E.M. program, and finishing my Master's degree, I've decided that quarterly writing goals sound more manageable than New Year's Resolutions. So from now until March, here goes...

1. Get halfway though major revisions of my MG fantasy novel currently titled Reflection. I'm currently on chapter six of twenty-seven, so I think I'm on track for this.

2. Find a snappier title for Reflection. I'd like it to have some connection to a mirror, but an obscure connection would still work. I'm considering Cracked, Shatter, and Shattered, which all have double connections to the story (and in the case of Cracked, a triple connection.)

3. Polish the first two or three revised chapters by February, in time to submit for critique at my SCBWI region's March conference.

4. Write a daggone synopsis to submit along with the first two or three chapters, again in time to submit for the March conference.

5. Write a rough draft of a query letter and post it to the Blueboards for critique.

6. Update the blog more regularly--at least once every two weeks.