Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stats & Goals Update (It's about time.)

Stats for the Day

Chapters Revised: Technically 1, but I revised a few of the same sections more than once, so it feels like more.

Conferences Attended: 1
Number of Times Chris Crutcher made me LOL: Yeah...I lost count

Goals Update

Wow, I kind of suck at this goals thing. I set first quarter goals for 2013 back in December of 2012. I didn't completely forget about (most of) my goals, but I never blogged an update in March. Or at all since December.

So here's the update:

Goal 1. Get halfway though major revisions of my MG fantasy novel currently titled Reflection.

I met this goal, though I can't remember whether or not I met it by March. It's September, but since I'm currently on chapter 18 of 28 chapters, I'm giving myself credit--or maybe half-credit.

2. Find a snappier title for Reflection.

Goal accomplished pretty soon after I made it. I'm going with Cracked for now.

3. Polish the first two or three revised chapters by February, in time to submit for critique at my SCBWI region's March conference.

The polishing was done by February, but I wasn't able to go to the March conference because I was on a plane to Puerto Rico that day. I know. I felt bad for me too.

4. Write a daggone synopsis to submit along with the first two or three chapters, again in time to submit for the March conference.

Goal sort of accomplished. I put together a two paragraph synopsis for a query letter. I'm almost happy with it. I haven't started revising the longer synopsis, though. Maybe 2/11 credit for this one. (It's kind of like Who's Line. The points make no sense because they don't really matter.)

5. Write a rough draft of a query letter and post it to the Blueboards for critique.

I only wrote and posted the synopsis from goal four. I'll pick a random fraction's worth of credit to give myself later. Maybe.

6. Update the blog more regularly--at least once every two weeks.

I think I have to give myself negative points for this one.

New Goals for the Last Quarter of 2013

1. Finish revising Cracked

2. Write a complete query letter

3. Spend at least 20 minutes three times a week interacting in the writing world on Twitter

4. Update this blog at least every other week. Really this time.


  1. Nice REFLECTION (ahm) on goals and goal setting. Good wishes for your reaching these, and then some. You can do it.

  2. I love that you make quarterly goals. I should start doing that.

  3. Thanks, Kelly! Now if only I can start *meeting* them!
